From Committee:The April
Committee meeting lasted for 38 minutes, that's 18
minutes longer than the March meeting. We were pleased
to have in attendance Roger McCall and Tony
Walsh both of whom were responsible for overseeing
the capital sum raised from the sale of the former
clubhouse. Roger explained the history of the sale and
the purpose for which the monies were raised.
The Committee noted the receipt of monies from Club
Futures and the following additions to our list of
coaches, Craig Knight (L1), Steve Moran (L1), Joe
Ehlen (L2 throws and jumps), Roseanne Hutchinson (L2
throws). L1 coaching courses will become available
in the near future and anyone interested should
contact Joe Ehlen or Phil Thomas for details.
Membership continues to flourish and progress has
been made on producing the sign to announce the track
as our home base. The LMC's letter regarding the £250
compensation they sent for the clash between our road
race and the Liverpool Half Marathon was read to cheer
up the committee.
Please note that at all training sessions coaches
are required to take registers of athletes coaches on
that evening. This forms part of coaching duties and
is an integral part of the clubmark scheme. It also
meets other critieria essential to good administrative
practice. Coaches can obtain their registers from
The next Committee meeting is on Thursday 26 May at
8.30.p.m. Any member wishing to raise matters can do
so by contacting Julia Hayes or Phil Thomas.
It is still possible to become a grade 4
official by standing (as it's called) at five meetings
during a season. Phil Thomas has the forms so if you
want to help the club in this way please ask Phil for
a form and put in your five meetings for
qualification. It's not a lot to do.